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2022 cancellation rate trends

By |2023-03-28T21:57:22+01:00June 20th, 2022|Booking Engine, News, Product updates|

How can you maintain guest retention Without a doubt, one of the most challenging things about running a hotel is the tendency for guests to make a reservation but then frustratingly cancel at the last minute. Given the current climate we are all facing, there are multiple reasons why travellers and guests are cancelling their bookings and deciding to drop-out of their plans at the last minute. As rates rise year on year, forecasting and pricing decisions for hoteliers will continue to be undermined which magnifies inefficiencies, increases costs, and damages margins....

NEW functionality due to be released on 5th April

By |2022-04-01T18:28:55+01:00April 1st, 2022|Booking Engine, News, Product updates|

We all know that hospitality is a fiercely competitive market, and with increasingly high expectations from the consumer it’s impossible to stand still. From personalised experiences to flexibility, the consumer is now very aware of what they expect and this is playing a part when hotel guests are looking to book. We can’t slow down, and as the industry continues to navigate the fast moving changes of the past few years, we too needed to ensure that Allora was able to navigate and flex at the same rate. With this in mind, we are really excited to announce our latest update to the platform and the new functionality that hoteliers and hospitality businesses across our customer base will benefit from.

Smart Content and Personalising the Guest Journey

By |2022-03-03T17:26:40+00:00March 3rd, 2022|Booking Engine, Personalisation|

The world of holiday booking has evolved. Customers are more wary with their arrangements, especially as holiday uncertainty is still high. This means they are likely to do lots of research and not book on the first visit to your website. A great way to combat this, and importantly - secure bookings, is by creating a personalised experience for your customer that remembers and adapts to what they are searching for, using their data to provide a more intuitive booking process.